Lil Horace
In the quiet town of Willow Creek, eight-year-old Horrace Hunter, son of the esteemed Doc Helmsley Hunter, discovered an ancient book in his father’s study. The book, filled with cryptic symbols and texts, led him to explore the nearby forest, where he found an eerie cabin linked to a dark cult that worshipped the “hidden ones.” Inside, Horrace uncovered ancient artifacts and the same symbol from his nightmares, triggering a series of supernatural events.
Doc Helmsley, a man of science with hidden knowledge of these mysteries, arrived at the cabin as Horrace was drawn into a dark portal. Despite his efforts to save his son, Horrace was pulled into a shadowy realm inhabited by twisted creatures. Here, Horrace realized the book was a key to this realm, and he resolved to find a way out, discovering a strange power within himself.
Meanwhile, Doc Helmsley sought help from his sisters, Madame Helga and Mama Sante, powerful practitioners of mysticism and hoodoo. They performed a ritual to rescue Horrace, opening a gateway to the shadow realm. Horrace, guided by his father’s call, found the portal and returned, but the experience left him changed.
Horrace now possessed a connection to the hidden ones, manifesting in unsettling behaviors and a haunted look. Madame Helga and Mama Sante worked to help him understand and control this new power, discovering it could be a tool to protect their world from the encroaching darkness.
As Horrace learned to harness his abilities, he became aware of the hidden ones’ attempts to breach into the human world. One stormy night, he faced a shadowy figure at the forest’s edge, using his newfound strength to push it back and seal the breach. This act marked Horrace’s transformation from a frightened boy into a protector of Willow Creek, ready to defend his town from the lurking shadows.
Supported by his family, Horrace accepted his role as a guardian, using his unique powers wisely to keep the hidden ones at bay. The young boy, once curious and innocent, had become a courageous figure, standing between his world and the dark forces threatening it.